I’m running 26.2 miles for ONE reason.

Africa, Europe, Sport, Uncategorized

Around a year ago I was well on my way to running 600 miles over 8(ish) weeks for VSO. I’d been running so much that a few gals suggested I may as well run a marathon. Let me stop you there. One does not simply run a marathon just cozzzz. But still, I signed up for the Isle of Man full marathon and ran the 26.2 miles on 9th August, my 21st birthday.


look at me go, right at the front…

Not content with just the one marathon to my name, I signed up for the Lisbon marathon with my good pal (probably an over statement) Kate and we’re shimmying over to Portugal to take part on 2nd October this year. Soooo, we have less than 2 months to quit whining and get on with training for our second marathons (she ran the London Marathon in April).

Instead of raising money for a charity, I’ve decided to do things a little different and raise awareness for a cause quite close to my heart. (I say that, a lot of causes are close to my heart but stick with me here)

UK Youth Ambassadors

So, in return for me sweating my lil booty (and back, arms, legs, forehead, everywhere) off, I’d like my lovely friends and family to hear about and get involved with ONE campaign. I want to raise awareness for ONE and all the world changing, life saving work they do. See, ONE isn’t a charity. We (I’m a ONE member along with 7 million others) don’t dig wells, we scream n shout to get governments to change the law so a well has to be dug.


I’ve been a ONE youth ambassador since March this year and their approach to ending poverty and  preventable disease is refreshing. It’s not always easy to get your local MP or media to care about your work with ONE but as a group of around 50 UK youth ambassadors we’ve managed to make a real impact resulting in meetings with MP’s, speaking in Parliament, creating university societies and visiting the OECD forum in Paris (yessss we ate all the croissants).

‘ONE’s 7 million members are critical to this work. They come from every walk of life and from across the political spectrum. They’re artists and activists, faith and business leaders, students and scientists. They take action day in, day out — organising, mobilising, educating, and advocating so that people will have the chance not just to survive, but to thrive.’

Fancy joining the 7 million people and making your voice heard?

What can you do?
First things first, get yourself onto their website – click here woo woo
Next, see what campaign we’re currently working on and choose what interests you the most and take action either by signing a letter or petiton.
Tell your local MP if they’re not doing enough about the issue and what they can change.
Write to your local newspaper about how you’ve put your name to something you truly care about.
Pass it on. Send this link to someone you know – let the movement spread
Let me know, a simple Facebook comment will let me know how many people stand with ONE just because they read this blog post.


We’re one race. We live in the same world. Why should where you’re born determine your quality of life? I’m not asking for money, anyone can put their name forward to something they care about.

Now would be fab. But any time before October 2nd would be perf.

What’s next?
I’ll be writing some more blog posts in the run up to the marathon. (Run. Get it…?!!?) with some more info on ONE’s work and what I’m personally doing as a youth ambassador. Sound iite?

OH and use the hashtag #MazRunsForONE when sharing – because errrrybody loves a hashtag


get involved.


Just chillin’ with Mhairi Black at our launch

Speaking in Parliament for ONE campaign

campaigns, Uncategorized

Tuesday 12th April 2016

I left work in Oxford early, caught a bus to Headington then on a coach to Victoria and a tube to Westminster. I do go into London quite often, but this day was a bit different to the usual. I was on my way to meet a few ONE youth ambassadors to see a screening of ‘He Named Me Malala’ in Portcullis House and then onto a reception and panel discussion at Speaker’s House. I’d been lucky enough to be asked to speak on the panel about ONE’s current campaign – Poverty is Sexist.

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Portcullis house – photo: the telegraph

Although the speaking in parliament part was a massive deal, it wasn’t overlooked by the fact that the film was amazing! I’ve looked up to Malala Yousafzai since I read her autobiography ‘I am Malala’ late last year. If you don’t know much about her, she is a Pakistani activist for female education and was the youngest ever Nobel Peace prize winner. Her story is complex (so either read her book or watch the film – or do both) but she was one of the only girls to stand up to the Taliban when they banned girls from going to school in her country. She was then shot by them on her way to school. She miraculously recovered (with the support of some big names, Beyonce included!) and continued campaigning for girls rights to an education. The Malala Fund was set up to enable girls to complete 12 years of safe, quality education so that they can achieve their potential and be positive change-makers in their families and communities.

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The film showed how Malala is just a regular girl, going to school, arguing with her little brothers but continually stands up for what she believes in. Her courage has been rewarded with physical awards and unseen respect and impact. She.is.amazing.

After the film we walked through a secret tunnel passageway to the Speaker’s House in the House of Commons. The sun was out and it looked like we walking through a film set, unfortunately we were told strictly no photos were allowed. We walked through to a reception of drinks and canapés and got chatting to the other guests who were mainly from charities or members of parliament.

The panel was hosted by Mark Williams, Welsh Liberal Democrat Member of Parliament for Ceredigion. Mark Williams is also co-chair of the All-Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) on Global Education for All

“For far too many girls around the world, education is still little more than a pipe dream. Globally 200 million children have not completed primary school and around 60 per cent of these are girls.

“The scale of the challenge to provide each of them with a quality education is substantial but, as was shown by Malala, it is a vital one.” – Mark Williams

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inside Speaker’s House – photo: lemberth.co.uk

Soon it was my turn to represent ONE campaign; I was sat with the 3 other women speaking; Philippa Lei, director of policy and advocacy at The Malala Fund, Cate Turton  deputy director for youth and education at DFID and Francesca Danmole a representative from Theirworld.

Each person spoke confidently about why and how they were working towards females rights to education.

‘It’s unacceptable that girls everywhere don’t get a full 12 years of education. It gives girls wings to fly.’ – Philippa Lei


‘It’s not just about children’s access to education but their right to education’ – Cate Turton


‘I’m part of a global campaign to make sure all girls get an education’ – Francesca Danmole

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When it was my turn to speak I was 95% excited and 5% nervous. That 5% doesn’t usually exist but that’s because I’m normally faced with a crowd of mostly uninterested teenagers – on this occasion I was faced with a very elegant room full of MP’s and charity directors. When it was my turn, I spoke about ONE’s current campaign, Poverty is Sexist. 


‘Poverty is sexist. There’s not one place on the planet where it’s better to be a woman than a man.’ – Mary Mandefield

This disturbing statistic is because nowhere on earth do women have as many opportunities.

‘Some 62 million girls are denied the right to education. Half a billion women can’t read. 155 countries still have laws that discriminate against women.’ – ONE campaign

Sometimes the number of women and girls living by the injustice of gender inequality can seem hard to get your head around. Because of this, I spoke about my host sister in Kenya.

‘I was reading I Am Malala while in Kenya & saw girls challenges first hand. I had to tell Malala’s story.’ 


Stella, who I lived with whilst volunteering in Ngare Ndare last year, is the same age as me. But our present situations and future appear to be very different. As a woman she is expected to prioritise marriage and starting a family over education or a career. She is a wife and a mother whilst I am a still a girl. A girl with a job I enjoy and a future I have control over. FGM, HIV, unstable health, forced relationships and lack of education (which subsequently leads to relying on partners for everyday tasks) are real threats to women and girls all over the world. These problems could quite easily be avoided if our world leaders took a stand to make education for girls a priority.

Educated girls become powerful women. Powerful women lift up a whole community. Gender equality isn’t about women, it’s about all of us. 

Malala stood up for her rights and was shot by the Taliban. She wasn’t silenced, whats more, her voice rose louder.

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Using your voice can be difficult if you don’t do it often, but it can also be very easy once you start. Emma Watson, Oprah Winfrey, Lady Gaga, Mark Zuckerburg, Bono and Mary J Blige are a few who’ve signed our letter already. And you can too. 

Thank you to those fellow ONE youth ambassadors and Billy who were so encouraging and supportive on the evening. I’m so grateful to be part of a group who are so passionate about taking actions to make a change.

Mary x

Chat about what you’re using your voice for on twitter – @mandefieldx

or Facebook – Girl got lost



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my host mum, sister & ONE campaign material. – follow me on instagram – @girlgotlost_